b'Street art is the hallmark ofsome ofthe most exciting neighborhoods around the world. Berlins Kreuzberg, Londons Shoreditch, Medellins Comuna 13. All are recognizable for their colorful murals splashed across architecture and infrastructure, enlivening once-industrial, now-creative locales. And Astoria is no exception. Strolling through the streets, artworks of all styles and sizes feature on any surface that will take the paint.Many ofthe dazzling displays are part ofinitiatives like the Welling Court Mural Project, coordinated by arts organization Ad Hoc Art. Every year, graffiti artists are invited to create new works in Welling Court, at 30th Avenue and 12th Street, with over 100 showcased in 2019. Emerging and established artists are encouraged to take part, with many choosing to portray socially relevant topics through their medium. Local businesses happily offer up their walls as canvases, and some even donate supplies. A visual art genre that used to be demonized now brings the community together.35'